Providing Fresh Produce Every Single Day


GPS Mapping Services

Agrigeo provides near-real-time reports and analytics tailored to the needs of farmers, agronomists, and policymakers, combining satellite data for dynamic insights.


Forestry Services

They offer monitoring and analysis services for deforestation and forest management, utilizing multi-temporal satellite imagery to track changes in land cover.


Training and Support

Offering training programs on GPS equipment operation and data interpretation and Analysis of farming data to identify trends and improve decision-making.


Crop Monitoring and Agricultural Analysis

They use satellite data and multispectral imaging to monitor crop health, growth stages, and related activities


Why Choose Us

More than 50 year experience in agriculture industry

Reprehenderit, odio laboriosam? Blanditiis quae ullam quasi illum minima nostrum perspiciatis error consequatur sit nulla.

Plants needs rain

We are blessed to have unlimited rainfall

Love organic foods

Organic is health

Sell Food Produce

From the farm to your doorstep

Plants Make Life Better

Plants are an essential part of our lives, bringing beauty, health, and balance to our environment. Whether in our homes, gardens, or workplaces, they provide a host of benefits that contribute to our well-being.

  • Purify the Air
  • Encourage Sustainable Living
  • RSupport Local Ecosystems

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What we have been offering.